Anshul Kothari to Represent India in Swimming at Commonwealth
Games 2010 - Anshul Ketan Kothari has been selected as a member of the Indian
Swimming team at the Commonwealth Games 2010 to be held in Delhi in early October
this year following his outstanding performance in the recently concluded Federation
Cup test Events and National Aquatics meet.
"Sankshipt Jain Darshan" – New Book Published by Dineshbhai
Mody - A new edition of Dineshbhai Mody’s book "Sankshipt Jain Darshan"
has recently been released.
Ajay Kothari’s Design for Future Hypersonic Vehicle
Hailed in USAF Study - The design for a new “vertical take-off” hypersonic
vehicle developed by Ajay Kothari’s Astrox Corp has been hailed as a “very different
kind of hypersonic vehicle” in Technology Horizons, a 20-year roadmap for science
and technology advances published by Werner Dahm, chief scientist of the US Air
Kirtibhai K. Doshi Releases Latest Book "Pragnani Pandadiyo"
- A new book by Kirtibhai Kalidas Doshi entitled "Pragnani Pandadiyo" has been recently
released. The book presents quotes on a variety of themes, and have been compiled
by Kirtibhai from different sources.
Neeraja Mehta Ranks 2nd in Maharashtra Under-9 Chess
Championships - Neeraja, daughter of Rupam and Shrenik Shirish Mehta, once
again stood second in the Maharashtra State Under-9 Chess Championship held at Solapur
August 4-8, 2010. She won 6 out of possible 7 games to bag the prize.
Dr Tejal Gandhi Presents Paper at World Pharma Congress
- Dr. Tejal Ricky Gandhi, Principal & Professor in Pharmacology, Anand Pharmacy
College had made an oral presentation on “Natural Products: Past and future?” at
the international Conference of IUPHAR-World Pharma 2010 held at Copenhagen, Denmark
from 17th -23rd July, 2010.
Business Standard Profiles Sudhir U. Mehta
- Popular business daily Business Standard recently carried a profile of Sudhir
Uttamchand Mehta, Chairman Torrent Group. We reproduce the article below for the
benefit of readers.
Swar Gunjan – "Tyauharon ke Rang, Suron ke Sang"
- The members of "Swar Gunjan", an arm of the Palanpur Samaj Kendra - Women's Forum,
presented a unique programme of song and dance based on the theme Indian Festivals
at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Chowpatty in late July.
Jayantilalbhai Laljibhai Bhansali (age 86) passed away
in Mumbai on 29 Aug 2010
Kanakben Vinodbhai Mehta (age 77) passed away in Mumbai
on 29 Aug 2010
Shantibhai Talati (Malan) passed away in Mumbai on
20 Aug 2010
Urmilaben Ajitkumar Jhaveri (age 86) passed away in
Mumbai on 19 Aug 2010
Motilalbhai Jivrajbhai Mehta (age 87) passed away in
Mumbai on 6 Aug 2010
Vinodbhai Amratlalbhai Mehta (Sterling Diamond) (age
78) passed away in Mumbai on 3 Aug 2010
a Vidyamandir Trust, Palanpur initiative
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Email: info@palanpuronline.com
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