Anoop Mehta Elected BDB President, Mehul Shah Vice-President
- Anoop Mehta has been re-elected as President and Mehul Shah electe as the
new Vice- President of the Bharat Diamond Bourse for 2010-11.
Jayantibhai A Jhaveri Felicitated on 30th Anniversary
of Arihant Mitra Mandal - Well known community leader Jayantibhai Amrutlal
Jhaveri (JKD) was felicitated at a special function held in Mumbai on the occasion
of the 30th Anniversary of the Arihant Mitra Mandal.
King George V Club Holds State level Badminton and
Tennis Tournament - Trophies and certificates were distributed to the winners
of the “Three Day Toral Memorial Open Gujarat Badminton Tournament” and the “Ace
North Gujarat Tennis Tournament” at a function held at The Palanpur King George
V Club recently.
Russell A. Mehta and Vishal P. Mehta Address China
Diamond Conference - The Palanpuri diamond community was well represented
at the 2010 China Diamond Conference with presentations by Russell Arun Mehta and
Vishal Pankaj Mehta of Rosy Blue and Dimexon groups respectively.
Rhea Mehta Wins Award at All India Poetry Competition
- Rhea Mehta, a student of Std X in Gopi Birla School in Mumbai recently won a commendation
prize in the All India Poetry Competition for School Children on Human Values 2010,
organised by the Poetry Society of India with the support of the Department of Higher
Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
PSK Swimming Tournament 2009-10 Results - The
Results of the Palanpur Samaj Kendra's Swimming Tournament 2009-2010
K.K. Doshi Publishes ‘Petals’ - Veteran diamantaire
K.K. Doshi, founder of Shrenuj & Co, and a leading member of various trade bodies
and associations has recently released Petals his third compilation of inspirational
quotes that he has collected over the years.
Babulalbhai Jivrajbhai Shah passed away in Agas on
30 Dec 2010
Dineshchandrabhai Trikamlalbhai Mehta (age 77) passed
away in Surat on 23 Dec 2010
Guniben Kirtilalbhai Parikh passed away in Mumbai on
19 Dec 2010
Hitenbhai Bhabhutbhai Shah (age 51) passed away in
Navsari on 4 Dec 2010
a Vidyamandir Trust, Palanpur initiative
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Email: info@palanpuronline.com
Website: www.palanpuronline.com |