Prestigious Journal from IIM-A publishes Venus Jewel as a management case study - Vikalpa, a prestigious management journal published by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) has profiled Venus Jewel in a Management Case Study
PSK Organises First-Ever Athletics Meet -
The first ever Athletic Meet organized by the Palanpur Samaj Kendra’s Sports Committee at Priyadarshini Park on November 8, 2009 was a grand success
To celebrate the importance of learning and abstinence in Jainism, Palanpur Samaj Kendra – Women’s Forum organized a felicitation ceremony of dharmik examinees and tapasvis.
Sudhir and Samir Mehta Enter List of India's 100 Richest - Sudhir and Samir Mehta are the richest new entrants to the list of “India's 100 Richest” released by Forbes magazine recently.
New Compilation of Prof. Rajni Kothari’s Writings Published -
A new publication entitled ‘The Writings of Rajni Kothari’ that brings together three of the activist-intellectual’s most well known books, has been recently published by Orient Blackswan.
Sparsh Samrat Mehta wins Multiple Medals at International Karate Championships - Sparsh Samrat Mehta won three Bronze and one Silver medal in the Commonwealth Karate Championships and the Goju Kai Karate-Do World Championships held at Johannesburg and Cape Town
Gold medal in Asian Team Snooker for Aditya Snehal Mehta - Aditya Snehal Mehta was a member of the Indian team that won a gold medal at the 3rd Indoor Asian Games 2009 held at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam recently.
US Congressional tributes presented to two Palanpuris at Share and Care Gala - Late Mr. Rajshekhar Parikh and Mr. Mahendrabhai and Mrs. Asha Mehta received Congressional citations from US Congressman Frank Pallone
Aaditya Ashish Mehta wins Silver at Goju Kai World Championship in S.Africa - Aaditya Ashish Mehta won a Silver medal in the Goju Kai Karate-Do World Championships held at Cape Town, South Africa during the last week of October,
Diwali lights up SBPJA's activities in October - During October 2009, the month of the Festival of joy - the Festival of lights - the Festival of sweets - the Festival of Diwali, Shree Banaskantha Palanpur Jain Association,
Rasiklalbhai Keshavlal Bhansali (age 78) passed away
Mumbai on 17 Nov 2009
Chanchalben Harilal Mody (age 101) passed away in
on 07 Nov 2009
a Vidyamandir Trust, Palanpur initiative
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