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King George V Club
Nawab Sher Mohammed Khan of Palanpur, who attended the coronation ceremony of King
George V in Delhi, was so impressed with the British royalty that he built a club
in 1913 named after the King.
Designed by experts, it was built on a site known as “Hathikhad”, a pit deep enough
to hide an elephant and where, it is said, dead elephants were buried. Since independence,
the park was managed by the Palanpur Municipality, but in 2003 it was handed over
to Vidyamandir Trust for a period of 25 years on a token rent.
Balaram Palace
Built between 1922-1936 AD by the last Nawab of Palanpur, the Balaram Palace was
the Nawab's Summer Palace. It is surrounded by green gardens, and lies along the
banks of a gently flowing river. Today, the palace has been converted into a luxury
hotel in the middle of a reserve forest.