Anshul Kothari to Represent India in Swimming at Asian
Games 2010 - Anshul Ketan Kothari has been selected as a member of the Indian
Swimming team at the 16th Asian Games 2010 to be held in Guangzhou, China from November
12 this year.
Aditya Mehta to Represent India in Snooker at Asian
Games - Aditya Mehta has been selected to represent India in Snooker at
the forthcoming Asian Games which is to be held in Guangzhou, China from November
14-20, 2010. Aditya is the son of Sheela and Snehal Jagdishchandra Mehta.
Prize Distribution Function for PSK Sports Events 2009-2010
- For the 19th consecutive year, Palanpur Samaj Kendra honored outstanding sports
persons from within the community at a special Prize Distribution Function held
on Sunday, 26th September, at the Police Gymkhana, Mumbai.
Karan Mehta Wins Asian Junior Tennis Title
- Karan Rahul Mehta won the Asian Junior Under-14 Tennis Championships held at Dhaka
recently, emerging as the winner in a field of 32 players from across the continent.
Ashit Mehta is appointed Chairman of SRDSIL
- Ashit Mehta has been appointed as the Chairman of the newly formed Surat Rough
Diamond Sourcing (India) Limited (SRDSIL), a company being set up by over 1500 diamantaires
of Surat to facilitate the purchasing of rough from miners across the world.
Siddhi Mehta Wins Gold at Taekwondo Nationals
- Siddhi, daughter of Shreepa and Sujith Sureshchandra Mehta won a gold medal at
the 6th Open National Taekwondo Competition held in Mumbai in early October.
Palanpuri Diamantaires Make Key Presentations at International
Diamond Conference - A number of Palanpuri diamantaires made presentations
on different aspect of the diamond and jewellery industry at the International Diamond
Conference Mines to Market 2010 organised by The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion
Council (GJEPC) in Mumbai on October 12 and 13, 2010, underscoring the important
role that the community plays within the industry.
Subodhbhai Chandulal Modi passed away in Surat on 30
Oct 2010
Dr. Arunbhai Natwarlalbhai Mohanlalbhai Mehta (age
64) passed away in U.S.A. on 12 Oct 2010
a Vidyamandir Trust, Palanpur initiative
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