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22 Jan 2025
PSK Sports Committee Conducts Carrom, Chess, Table Tennis and Tennis Tournaments 2025
The Sports Committee of Palanpur Samaj Kendra (PSK) conducted the Carrom, Chess, Table Tennis and Tennis tournaments, the first of this year, at the NSCI Club in Mumbai on January 12, 2025.
The events were a success, despite the challenges of conducting multiple events on a single day, due to the earnest efforts put in by the committee and the ever-supportive Sponsors. While tennis saw a drop in participation, entries in Table Tennis increased, a trend that may continue in the coming years.  Chess and carrom saw usual levels of participation, with keen competition.
The committee looks forward to an enthusiastic response to the forth coming sports events and an increase in participation and interest in all tournaments. 
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The results are as follows:





Runner Up

8-14 Years

Rihaan Parikh

Ria Jhaveri

Men (Above 40)

Rupen Jhaveri

Viral A. Mehta

Men’s Doubles

Kaushik Mehta & Salil Gandhi

Jignesh Mehta & Ajay Zaveri






Runner Up

  Under 9 Years

Yuven Jhaveri

Riaan Mehta / Aarin Mehta

Under 13 Years

Kabir Chokshi

Veer A. Mehta

Under 22 Years

Arjun Parikh

Manthan Kothari

23-40 Years

Rishab Shah

Priyesh Kothari / Raahil Doshi

 Above 40 Years

Nehal Mehta

Kashish Mehta






Runner Up

Girls’ Singles (8-14 Years)

Ria Jhaveri

Divyaana J. Parikh

Boys’ Singles (8-14 Years)

Rihaan J. Parikh

Shiv Mody

Men’s Singles (15-40 Years)

Dhwanish Parikh

Vivaan V. Mehta

Women’s Singles
(Above 40 Years)

Rupa Shah

Devanshi K. Parikh

Men’s Singles
(Above 40 Years)

Amit Mehta

Ashish Mehta

Mixed Doubles

Sarju Shah & Rupaben Shah

Devanshi Jhaveri & Kavish Jhaveri






Runner Up

Under 10 Years

Diyaan Gandhi

Jehan Mody

Female (14-40 Years)

Niyati Doshi

Drashti Madhani

Female (41-65 Years)

Nimisha Parikh

Nita Mehta

Female Doubles

Nimisha Parikh & Rinkal Kothari

Nita Mehta & Shefali Kothari

Men’s Singles (21-50 Years)

Alpesh Parikh

Ronal Zaveri

Men’s Singles (51-75 Years)

Anil K. Shah

Mahipal Parikh

Men’s Doubles

Dr. Pankaj Mehta & Nimish Madhani

Alpesh Parikh & Anil Shah

Mixed Doubles

Alpesh Parikh & Nimisha Parikh

Dr. Pankaj Mehta & Nita Mehta





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