+91 - 22 - 40203620 / 21 | +91 8879755458


My Accounts > Faq
  1. the username that you are using should be your family number e.g. FAM1111 or your family email address e.g. XXX@gmail.com
  2. The username is not case sensitive but password is case sensitive. We would request you to login with the username and password as given on the member details form.
  3. If you have the family number or family email address, you can do forgot password and the password will be sent to your e-mail address.
  4. If you still can't login please contact Palanpur Online Helpline.
All the posting (birth, wedding, obituary, event) which are posted on Palanpur Online will be highlighted (as shown in below image) on calendar. You can navigate the calendar by clicking on Right and Left arrow keys which are also highlighted on the image below.
The details are mentioned in the Contact Us page.
All pages in Palanpur Online are email friendly. You can send any article to your family members or to your friend by just clicking on email icon.
All pages in Palanpur Online are print friendly. You can print any article by just clicking on print icon.
All mails sent from Palanpur Online will be sent to your family email address or to your family residential address.
Palanpur Online members are those who or whose forefathers were residing in the town of Palanpur and/or possessed immovable property in the town at the time of India's independence i.e. on August 15 1947 and practice Jainism. Apart from listing details of the Members, palanpuronline.com also lists details of Jains of Banaskantha district. Palanpur Online listees are those who or whose forefathers were residing in and/or possessed immovable property at the time of India's independence i.e. on August 15 1947 in the geographical area now covered by Banaskantha district and practice Jainism.
Palanpur Online is a website seeks to foster and strengthen the bonds between the members of the Palanpuri community around the world. Read more about it in About Us
The Username and Password were sent to members by postal service before the launch date i.e. 16th of November 2008. You can get your credentials by calling Palanpur Online helpline number.

To change password

  1. Please login with your username and password
  2. Under my account, click my Profile
  3. From the my profile page, click change password
  4. In the Old Passsword text box, enter your old password
  5. In the New password text box, enter your new password
  6. In the confirm password text box, again enter your new password.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. For your reference a mail with the username and new password will be sent to your family email address.

You can call Palanpur Online Helpline Number or you can do forgot password on Palanpur Online. To retrieve your password:

  1. From Home page, click on Forgot Password
  2. Enter your login name, in this case the login name will be your family number (e.g. FAM9999) or your family email address (if you have updated).
  3. The password will be sent to your family email address, if you have any.
Palanpur Online member can login with their family number or with their family email address. The family numbers are system generated, which means no two families will have same username and email address will be by itself unique.
Palanpur Online Member can login with the Family Number or with Family Email Address along with the password.
You can join Palanpur Online by completing the online form on Join Palanpur Online.

You can share information by posting news, events, birth, wedding, obituary, and classifieds on Palanpur Online. You can do so under your My Posting Page or by posting it on the specific pages.

Click on Become a Palanpur Online Sponsor to read about the benefits and procedure for the same

Search Directory

The 2 icons that you'll find are for relation and Rollodesk. The member with whom you have set relation will have relation icon and the member whom you have added to your Rollodesk will have Rollodesk icon

The icons that you'll find are for relation and Rollodesk. The member with whom you have set relation will have relation icon and the member whom you have added to your Rollodesk will have Rollodesk icon
The search option has others check box. On selecting the check box a text box opens where you can enter the city name (as shown in the image below) and then click on Search
The search option has others check box. On selecting the check box a text box opens where you can enter the country name (as shown in the image below) and then click on Search.
The search option has others check box. On selecting the check box a text box opens where you can enter the field of work (as shown in the image below) and then click on Search button.
Click on Become a Palanpur Online Sponsor to read about the benefits and procedure for the same

Professionals and Doctors

You can update your * Field of Work and Designation on an ongoing basis under My Profile > Occupation Details
You can update your * Field of Work and Designation on an ongoing basis under My Profile > Occupation Details
You can update yourField of Work and Designation on an ongoing basis under Profile > Occupation Details.

Profile Page

1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.

2. Click on the desired family member's name for which you want to change the photograph.

3. Click on the Edit Photo.

4. Click on Browse to locate your photo.

5. Select appropriate photograph and click on Open.

Click on save.
Note: The image that you will upload should be JPEG/GIF/TIF and maximum size of 300KB.

You cannot delete the family email address. All emails and newsletters from Palanpur Online will be sent to your family email address.
The family number is a reference to your family details. The number is dynamically generated by the system on creation of a family and you cannot delete it.
You cannot change your origin online. By definition of the Palanpur Online members, the database is categorized on different origin (Palanpur, Banaskatha, and Palanpuri Daughter Married out). You can contact the Palanpur Online administrator the helpline numbers.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Click on Edit Family Email.

  3. Enter your family email address in the Family Email text box.

  4. Click on save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Click on the desired family member's name for which you want to change the information.

  3. Click on Edit

  4. In the name text boxes, enter First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.
  5. In the Birth date text box, enter the date of birth.
  6. From the Blood Group select the desired value.
  7. In the Mobile text box, enter mobile number.
    Note: Please don't enter your mobile number if you do not wish to publish it on Palanpur Online.
  8. From the Relation drop down, select the desired relation.
    Note: Self cannot edit relation i.e. his own relation. A family can have only one self (Head of the Family).
  9. In the Email text box, enter email address.
  10. Click on Save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.

  2. In the Address Details section, click Edit.

  3. Enter address details in the Address1, Address2 and Address3 text box.
  4. From the Country drop down select appropriate country.
  5. From the State drop down, select appropriate state. If the state doesnot exist then, select other from the drop down and enter state name in the other text box.
  6. from the City drop down select appropriate city. If the city doesnot exist then, select other from the drop down and enter city name in the other text box.
  7. In the Phone text box, enter phone number.
  8. In the Mobile text box, enter mobile number.
    Note: Please don't enter your mobile number if you do not wish to publish it on Palanpur Online.
  9. In the Fax text box, enter fax number.
  10. In the Email text box, enter email address.
  11. In the Website text box, enter website name.
  12. In the Zipcode text box, enter postal code.
  13. Click on save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.

  2. In the Address Details section click Edit.

  3. In the Company text box, enter company name.
  4. Enter address details in the Address1, Address2 and Address3 text box.
  5. From the Country drop down select appropriate country.
  6. From the State drop down select appropriate state. If the state doesnot exist then, select others from the drop down and enter state name in the other text box.
  7. From the City drop down select appropriate city. If the city doesnot exist then, select others from the drop down and enter city name in the other text box.
  8. In the Phone text box, enter phone number.
  9. In the Mobile text box, enter mobile number. Note: Please don't enter your mobile number if you do not wish to publish it on Palanpur Online.
  10. In the Fax text box, enter fax number.
  11. In the Email text box, enter email address.
  12. In the Website text box, enter website name.
  13. In the Zipcode text box, enter postal code.
  14. Click on Save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.

  2. In the Address Details section click Remove Family Company Address.

  3. Confirm dialog box will appear.

  4. Click on Ok to delete.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Select member for whom you wish to add personal address.

  3. In the Address Details, click on edit.

  4. Click on Add Personal Address

  5. Enter address details in the Address1, Address2 and Address3 text box.
  6. From the Country drop down, select appropriate country.
  7. From the State drop down select appropriate state. If the state doesnot exist then, select others from the drop down and enter state name in the other text box.
  8. From the City drop down, select appropriate city. If the city doesnot exist then, select others from the drop down and enter city name in the other text box.
  9. In the Phone text box, enter phone number.
  10. In the Mobile text box, enter mobile number.
    Note: Please donot enter your mobile number if you do not wish to publish it on Palanpur Online.
  11. In the Fax text box, enter fax number.
  12. In the Email text box, enter email address.
  13. In the Website text box, enter website name.
  14. In the Zipcode text box, enter postal code.
  15. Click on save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Select member for whom you wish to remove personal address.

  3. In the Address Details, click on edit.

  4. Click on Remove Personal Address.

  5. Confirm Dialog Box will appear.

  6. Click Ok.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Select member for whom you wish to remove personal address.

  3. In the Address Details, click on edit.

  4. Click on Remove Personal Address.

  5. In the Company text box, enter company name.
  6. Enter address details in the Address1, Address2 and Address3 text box.
  7. From the Country drop down select appropriate country.
  8. From the State drop down, select appropriate state. If the state doesnot exist then, select others from the drop down and enter state name in the other text box.
  9. From the City drop down, select appropriate city. If the city doesnot exist then, select others from the drop down and enter city name in the other text box.
  10. In the Phone text box, enter phone number.
  11. In the Mobile text box, enter mobile number.
  12. Note: Please don't enter your mobile number if you do not wish to publish it on Palanpur Online.
  13. In the Fax text box, enter fax number.
  14. In the Email text box, enter email address.
  15. In the Website text box, enter website name.
  16. In the Zipcode text box, enter postal code.
  17. Click on Save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Select member for whom you wish to remove personal company address.

  3. In the Address Details, click on edit.

  4. Click on Remove Personal Company Address.

  5. Confirm Dialog Box will appear.

  6. Click Ok.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Select member for whom you wish to edit education details.

  3. In the education qualification, click on Edit.
  4. If you have multiple education qualification details, click on the right and left arrow keys.

  5. Select the desired education and change the details in the specific fields.
  6. Click Save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Select member for whom you wish to add education details.

  3. In the education qualification, click on Add New.

  4. In the School/College text box, enter School/College name.
  5. In the from text box enter the start year for education.
  6. In the To text box, enter the end year for education.
  7. From the Degree drop down, select appropriate degree.
    Note: If your degree doesnot match with the drop down value then select other from the degree drop down and enter the degree in the other text box.
  8. From the Major drop down, select appropriate Major.
    Note: If your major doesnot match with the drop down value then select other from the major drop down and enter the major in the other text box.
  9. In the description text box, enter whatever information you wish to provide.
  10. Click Save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Select member for whom you wish to edit occupation details.

  3. In the occupation details section, click on Edit.

  4. If you have multiple occupation details, click on the right and left arrow keys.

  5. Select the desired occupation and change the details in the specific fields.
  6. Click Save.
  1. Under My Account, click on My Profile.
  2. Select member for whom you wish to add occupation details.

  3. In the occupation details, click on Add New.

  4. In the Company text box, enter company name.
  5. In the From text box enter the start year for job.
  6. In the To text box, enter the end year for job.
  7. From the Field of Work drop down, select the appropriate value.
    Note: If your Field of Work doesnot match with the drop down value then select other from the Field of Work drop down and enter the Field of Work in the other text box.
  8. From the Designation drop down, select the appropriate value.
    Note: If your Designation doesnot match with the drop down value then select other from the Designation drop down and enter the Designation in the other text box.
  9. In the description text box, enter whatever information you wish to provide.
  10. Click Save.
Palanpur Online members need to maintain family address all the time for communication purpose.
An approval mail will be sent by the Administrator on approval of any posting done by a family member.
You can post it either from the My Posting page or from the specific page.
If you delete a post from My Posting page it won't get deleted from the Palanpur Online. Administrator will clear the posting on a timely basis. If you wish to delete any of your post then you can contact the Administrator on the helpline number.
The changes made by member will not get reflected on the website instantaneously. All posting edited by member will be treated as a new post. The Administrator will review and will then approve it. If a post which has already been approved by the Administrator and you wish to make changes, then that specific post will be taken out from the website and will be treated as new post.
You have to log in to view your Profile, Posting, and Rollodesk page.

Relation Page

  1. From the Directory, select a member with whom you wish to set relation
  2. Click on Set Relation.
  3. Select members from the From drop down
  4. select appropriate relation from the Relation drop down
  5. Select members from the To drop down
  6. Click on Set button
Note: A mail will be sent to the person with whom you are trying to set relation. If a person with whom you are trying to set relation doesn’t have a family email address, then in that case, a mail will be sent to Administrator notifying him about such requests. In both cases the senders and the receivers My Posting page will be updated with the my request tab where member can accept or reject the request or they can delete the request that was sent.
You will not see particular relation if the member to whom you have sent relation has rejected your request.
You can see all your relations requests under My Posting > Request.
You will see your My Posting page blank only when there are no posts made by you or there are no requests pending.
You can delete any relation under My Account > My Posting page
  1. Click on Request tab
  2. From the Requests Approved section, select the member with whom you wish to delete relation.
You will be notified by an email on your family email address and there will be a request pending under My Account > My Posting > Request > Request Received
You can reject or accept relation under My Account > My Posting > Request > Request Received
You can see all your relations under My Account > My Profile > View Relation
You can find the relations under My Account > My Posting > Request > Request Received Sent by other members if you don’t have the family email address in your profile


  1. Rollodesk is a place where you can create your own directory of members whom you know.
  2. You don’t have to search for the person whom you know over and over again in the search directory.
  3. You can print entire details of the members from the Rollodesk.
  4. You can print different types of labels.
  1. From the Search Directory, search for the member whom you know.
  2. Select the check box corresponding to that member and click on Add to Rollodesk.
  3. Click on Go To Rollodesk to see the member listed on your personal directory (Rollodesk)
You can do so by going to My Account > Rollodesk
  1. Select the member whom you wish to remove.
  2. click on Remove.
  3. Confirm Dialog Box will appear.
  4. Click Ok.
You can do so by going to My Account > Rollodesk
  1. click on Remove All.
  2. Confirm Dialog Box will appear.
  3. Click Ok.
You can do so by going to My Account > Rollodesk
  1. Select the member and click on Report. A window will appear.
  2. Select the desired option and click on View Report.
Note: Please make sure that all the pop-ups from this website are allowed. The report will take several seconds depending upon the amount of data you are printing.
The page size that we recommend is A4 size paper (105*48mm)
Yes, labels can be printed from Rollodesk.
The label can be printed on A4 size paper (105*48mm). The shapes and size that you can use are Round Cut (Size: 99*48mm) and Straight Cut (Size105*48mm) Labels. These sizes will have 12 labels printed on each page.

Members can now request for a soft copy of the names and addresses of all those listed in the Directory in Excel format. The copy will contain the list with all the updates that have been informed by members till the last day of the previous month.
This service is strictly for the use of Members Only.

Palanpur Online Helpline

Tel: +91 - 22 - 40203620 / 21
Email: info@palanpuronline.com
Time: 10am - 6pm (IST) (Mon to Fri)
